

Hari ini adalah minggu terakhir untuk belajar bahasa inggris karena minggu depan akan menjadi hari libur untuk ketenangan sebelum uas. Pelajaran hari ini adalah membahas kisi-kisi kisi untuk uas, materinya adalah membuat cerita dari petunjuk yang telah diberikan oleh Mrs. Rella dalam cerita yang harus kita sampaikan kepada profesi yang telah ditentukan. Dan dalam sebuah cerita harus membuat setidaknya 20 kalimat miss rella juga mengimbau kalimat yang telah dibuat karena tidak menutup kemungkinan cerita akan sama dan dia juga mengimbau untuk membawa kamus ketika uas karena tidak dapat membuka telepon atau buku.


That night the group Asep and Reza advanced to present their TOEFL questions, but some of what they did was wrong and corrected by Ms.Rella and other friends until the time was up, only Asep and Reza's group had a presentation that night


That night the group Asep and Reza advanced to present their TOEFL questions, but some of what they did was wrong and corrected by Ms.Rella and other friends until the time was up, only Asep and Reza's group had a presentation that night


Today nobody presentation this day. So Ms. Rella discuss new topics. the topics is to find vocabulary. Ms. Rella told us to search for existing vocabulary in civil engineering


the next day, Ms.Rella gave another briefing about the presentation and taught us about making TOEFL questions easily, because even this evening none of the groups presented




Ms. next day Rella continued her teachings. Today our topic is TENSES. . Tenses have 16 types and almost all have the same name and their 'formula'. That's my problem with the word form. But Ms. Rella gave us a trick to make it simple and easy to memorize. Ms. Rella provides lessons that are easy to understand so that other students pay attention to them calmly until they don't feel the time runs out, and that night there is no presentation